Monday 29 June 2015

What Happened When a Victim Met the Grandson of the Perpetrator?

If there is someone whose example we can follow to learn about the virtue of forgiveness and tolerance, then we can surely look up to Ben Lesser. He is the author of many Holocaust books of the non-fiction genre as he was amongst the few survivors of that horror. A recent incident that took place in his life will set a precedent for the future generations to come, it was when he met Rainer Höss. 

Rainer's grandfather, Rudolf Höss was the commander of the Auschwitz came and foresaw countless atrocities on the Jews in the camp. Having faced them first hand and seeing your family being a victim to such cruelty can make anyone averse to the idea of being close to the perpetrator or anyone close to him. An unlikely possibility arose as Rainer was completely cognizant of his grandfather's actions and vehemently denies the hatred that kept generations of families under its grip. Ben Lesser met him wholeheartedly in what can be called a historic meet between the past and the present.

These people are the beacon of hope for our society as a whole and we can draw inspiration from them as to what path would define us as a human being. Do we continue to hate everyone with a history of hatred involved or can we finally move past and treat everyone with respect.

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